is turkish hard to learn ne demek?

As an AI language model, I cannot have personal opinions, but I can provide some information about learning Turkish.

Turkish is considered a moderately difficult language to learn for native English speakers. This is because Turkish has a completely different language structure and grammar rules than English.

Here are some challenges learners may face when learning Turkish:

  1. Complex Grammar: Turkish has a complex grammar structure, including various verb tenses and noun cases that show possession, location, and direction.

  2. Pronunciation: Turkish has some unique sounds that can be difficult for non-native speakers, such as the "ğ" sound, which is silent but affects the vowel sound before it.

  3. Vocabulary: Turkish has a rich vocabulary that includes many loanwords from Arabic and Persian.

However, Turkish grammar is also highly regular and has a consistent system, which makes it easier to learn. Plus, once you learn the basics, you will be able to read and understand a large portion of Turkish text.

Overall, learning any language requires time, effort, and dedication, but with consistent practice, anyone can master it.